
A look at our overall color approach — core palette, neutral palette, complementary palette, and more


Below are links to downloadable assets, guides, reference materials, and more. If you’re an external partner, you can download resources from the Brand Asset Library.

Color palette Figma library bp-round-locked

Core palette

Square is a black-and-white brand first. We focus on black and white for timelessness, clarity, and accessibility.

Market Blue is used as an accent color for moments that warrant care between Square and the end user, such as action moments on public web.

Our ideal color breakdown looks like this:

  • 80% black and white
  • 20% Market Blue


RGB: 255 255 255
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
PMS: White

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RGB: 18 18 18
Hex: #121212
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
PMS: Black C

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Market Blue

RGB: 0 106 255
Hex: #006AFF
CMYK: 93 46 0 0
PMS: 2174 C

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Core palette

Logo color guidance

Our logo can be used only in black or white to ensure brand consistency and legibility. The examples below demonstrate the approved uses and color combinations.

Do not use the Square logo in any color other than black or white. If you use it on a full-flood background, make sure the contrast passes accessibility.

Core palette

Color accessibility

Contrast and legibility are measured with contrast ratios. Web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.1) require a contrast ratio minimum AA. For AA the required contrast for text is 4.5. Headlines and large text need at least 3. is a great resource to test your color-pairing accessibility quickly.

Core palette

Market Blue — correct usage

The following examples highlight a variety of proper uses of Market Blue.

green checkmarkAlways use Market Blue for CTAs and text links.

green checkmarkConsistently use Market Blue as an accent to draw a user’s attention.

green checkmarkIn the presence of a Market Blue CTA, it is acceptable to use Market Blue in abstract UI as an accent. If there’s a CTA in the abstract UI, change it to black or white in order not to compete with an actionable CTA.

green checkmarkYou can use Market Blue embedded within copy blocks to link out to supporting content.

Neutral palette

Our neutral palette is a system of five colors that range from dark to light gray. The palette provides accessibility, simplicity, and consistency throughout all brand communications.

Gray 80

RGB: 51 51 51
Hex: #333333
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
PMS: Process Black

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Gray 55

RGB: 155 155 155
Hex: #737373
CMYK: 0 0 0 50
PMS: Cool Gray 7C

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Gray 30

RGB: 179 179 179
Hex: #B3B3B3
CMYK: 0 0 0 35
PMS: Cool Gray 5C

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Gray 15

RGB: 217 217 217
Hex: #D9D9D9
CMYK: 0 0 0 20
PMS: Cool Gray 3C

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Gray 5

RGB: 242 242 242
Hex: #F2F2F2
CMYK: 0 0 0 10
PMS: Cool Gray 1C

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Complementary palette

We’re in the process of redeveloping our brand’s color system and color palettes. A comprehensive, updated approach will be available in 2025. If you have questions in the meantime, reach out to #square-brand.

Complementary palette FAQ

Why are we shifting our color strategy?
We’ll update our brand colors along with our refreshed brand identity in 2025. We’re also taking years of feedback into consideration from our former complementary palette as we think about what comes next.

What if I have ongoing templates or upcoming projects launching with the former complementary palette?
That’s okay for now. We know this can’t be an overnight shift as we move through this interim period. On new projects, please remove any use of former complementary colors.

Can I use additional colors from the illustration style guide in other marketing or creative projects?
No. At the moment additional colors in the illustration style guide are only for illustrations.

How will I know when new colors are available?
The Square brand team will launch comms in all channels when new colors become available.